DADIU educates future game developers. The students participating in DADIU come from art schools and universities in all of Denmark. The programme consists of a full time semester taking place each fall - the semester runs from the last week of August until mid December.

DADIU admits around 100 students each year. The students participate in classes, workshops, and game productions. During the productions, the students are divided into six teams, resembling six real game studios.

The students are accepted into a specific competence. DADIU admits six Game & Level Designers, six Game Directors, six Producers, six Audio Designers, six Art Directors, and a number of Programmers, CG artists, QA&UR Managers, Visual Designers, and Animators.

The classes in DADIU generally take place in Aalborg and Copenhagen, and students attend the one closest to home. However, during the productions – which takes up most of the semester – they are located with their production team at a production facility in either Copenhagen or Aalborg. DADIU takes care of basic accommodation and covers transportation cost for those who need to relocate. Students are relocated if there educational institution is placed far from either Copenhagen or Aalborg or if that student’s specific set of skills is needed on a team in either Aalborg or Copenhagen.

The last six weeks of DADIU – the so-called Graduation Game Production – is where the teams produce their final game. The games have been quite successful and have been nominated for many awards at international festivals. 
In 2013 the platform was changed from browser games to tablet games. In 2020 it changed to PC platform.

To be eligible to send students to DADIU, the education must be a member of DADIU. See the full list here.
DADIU is run by a secretariat organized under the National Film School of Denmark.

DADIU semester 2023

Intro: Introduction to DADIU, your role, your team
August 14 - August 18, 2023: Voluntary Game Director Workshop (Game Directors only)
August 21 - August 22: A two day workshop for the all roles.
August 23 - August 25: A three-day workshop for all students at Askov Højskole

The First Game: Production of one game in four weeks. First two are about creating a prototype. The next two weeks is about wrapping up.  
August 28 - September 8: The First Game - The Prototype
September 18 - September 29: The First Game - The Wrap

Competence Project: Each student get to specialize in their own competence role through Masterclasses, teached by Experts. Some of the Experts are international and the masterclasses can occur outside of normal work hours due to time difference
September 11 - September 15: Competence I
October 9 - October 13: Competence II

Break: An one week autumn break before Graduation Game Production
October 2 - October 6

Preproduction: Develop the game idea and prepare for the production. Greenlight meeting also takes place here
October 16 - 20

Graduation Game: A six week game production ending with a released game on
October 23 - December 1: Production

Reflection & Presentation: Reflection of process and learnings and presentation of the game
December 4 & 5: Evaluation and clearing the production rooms
December 6: Reflection day
December 7: Presentation Day