Fact sheet

Education: DADIU The National Academy of Digital, Interactive Entertainment

Established: 2005

Administration: The National Film School of Denmark

Website: dadiu.dk

Facebook: /dadiugames


Address: DADIU, Theodor Christensens Plads 1, 1437 Copenhagen K, Denmark

Press Images: Available here



DADIU educates future game developers. The students participating in DADIU come from art schools and universities in all of Denmark. The programme consists of a full time semester taking place each fall - the semester runs from the last week of August until mid December.

DADIU admits around 100 students each year. The students participate in classes, workshops, and game productions. During the productions, the students are divided into six teams, resembling six real game studios.

The students are accepted into a specific competence. DADIU admits six Game Designers, six Game Directors, six Project Managers, six Level Designers, six Audio Designers, six Art Directors, and a number of Programmers, CG artists, QA Managers, Visual Designers, and Animators.


DADIU was founded by a group of educators from all over Denmark in collaboration with the games industry. The idea for an education in this field sprouted for some time in research environments and art schools. They wanted to bring together the different game production features and provide the students with a common language and practical experience. The group developed the concept over a 2-year period, and in January 2005 DADIU’s inaugural board meeting was held.

The Animation Programme at the National Film School of Denmark was commissioned to lead the project. DADIU admitted students from universities and art schools, and in May 2005 the first DADIU students proved their ability to produce a game in one month. The Danish Ministry of Science funded the first year – the second year was funded by the Ministry of Culture, who then granted DADIU permanent support. In 2011 the programme developed into the semester long structure that exists today.
